He is Coming … Wait … He is Here

By Mendi Behnen

The woman said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming (He who is called Christ): when He comes, He will tell us all things John 4:25

This passage is from the familiar story of Jesus talking with the woman at the well in Samaria. It seems ironic to me. This woman tells of her faith that the Messiah will come; yet, when we step back, we realize she is telling this to the Messiah Himself. She believes He will come …but certainly she does not expect Him to arrive TODAY.

Today she has things to do and places to be. That’s why she came to the well after all; she had a thirst that needed to be quenched. Yet here was this man, distracting her with strange talk about water that will quench your thirst forever and worshiping in spirit and truth. Things she really couldn’t understand until the Messiah arrived and explained it for her. Could she really be so caught up with her task at hand that she doesn’t even realize that she is already in the presence of the Messiah?

Hmmm …that’s a good question for me. Do I ever get so caught up in activities, even good activities, maybe even churchy activities that I lose track of the fact that Jesus is right there in the midst of what I am doing …that I am currently in the midst of His presence? Do I get so excited about His upcoming victorious return, that I lose track of His abiding presence in the midst of my every day?

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