It’s a Jesus Book

By JaDonna Brattin

I have just had an experience of a lifetime!  Being the preschool storyteller for Vacation Bible School is always an adventure.  If you have spent any time at all with 3- and 4-year old’s, then you probably have at least one cute story to tell and maybe even a fresh perspective on life.  For me, there is something energizing about seeing life from a preschooler’s point of view.

The railroad themed Bible School material was a sweet invitation to create a passenger train car for the story-time room, complete with windows looking out to a beautiful view, luggage and a train whistle.  Our VBS Director kindly loaned me a big family Bible…you know the kind that used to be displayed on living room coffee tables?  Bigger is always better for preschoolers, so I used it each day to show them that our story could be found in the Bible.

The first night of Vacation Bible School this year is forever etched into my memory.  As we were preparing to hear the story, I held up the big Bible and asked if anyone knew what it was.  A particularly feisty little girl with equally feisty curly blonde hair said, “It’s a book.”  She wasn’t wrong, but I wanted an answer that was a little more specific.  So, I asked if anyone knew what kind of book it was.  A very serious faced little boy spoke up and said, “I know!   It’s a Jesus book!”  It was one of those instances that I knew God was smiling and I was smiling too!

The point of relating this story is that God has gifted us with His Word…the Bible.  It is a gift from His heart to ours.  It has everything we need for living a life that lines up with God’s purposes.  As we read it, ponder it, and saturate our lives with it, we find we are able to recognize His voice as He guides, corrects and encourages us on this life journey.

God’s love runs deep for us.  Reading His Word is the best avenue we have for plummeting the depths of that love.  It cultivates our hearts to allow a deeper love for Him to take root.  So, get that “Jesus Book” out—-even if it is the big, family Bible.  Read it with the expectation of a child—the expectation of seeing something new and exciting—the expectation of encountering something life changing and satisfying to the soul!

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